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Journal Club
RDCTN Journal Club
The journal club is an online forum for people from all backgrounds to discuss an article in the literature on a rare disease topic.
It is chaired by Dr Adam James and is promoted on our social media and mailing list. Early career researchers present a paper that is discussed by the panel and via chat comments in the webinar.
This is a way to explore research methods specific to rare disease and to build the community of early career rare disease researchers. Be sure to sign up to the mailing list and follow us on X and Linkedin!
Details of previous webinars below.
30th August 2024
We were delighted to be back to discuss rare disease research through the lens of rare eye and rare metabolic conditions with two excellent presentations:
Topic 1
Efficacy and safety of a synthetic biotic for treatment of phenylketonuria: a phase II clinical trial
Dr Kevin Gaughan
Children’s Health Ireland
Topic 2
Stickler Syndrome:
An Overview of the NHS Care Pathway
Dr Bridget Moran
Mater Misericordiae University Hospital Dublin
Our first journal club included focused on the unique challenges and opportunities in conducting research studies for rare diseases and included two topics:
Topic 1
Transition for Adolescents with a Rare Disease: Results of a Nationwide German Project presented by Dr Darran McDonald, St Vincent’s Hospital
Topic 2
Orphan Medical Devices and Paediatric Cardiology – What Interventionists in Europe Need to Know, and What Needs to be Done presented by Dr Lizeri Jansen, Children’s Health Ireland
This journal club was presented by Professor Richard Riley from the University of Birmingham and discussed 12 of the most common issues encountered during statistical peer review at The BMJ. He offered advice on how to navigate these issues during trial design
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