The RD-CTN Advisory Committee is comprised of internationally-recognised experts in clinical research, rare disease trial methodology and patient advocacy. The function of the RD-CTN Advisory Committee is to serve in a consultative capacity to review progress of the network, to provide oversight and governance of trial selection and prioritisation and to identify and strategise ways to solve any programmatic problems.
The RD-CTN Advisory Committee members are:
- Prof. Michael Keane, Dean of Medicine, UCD School of Medicine
- Prof. Eileen Treacy, Director of the Irish National Rare Diseases Office
- Prof. Bruce Trapnell, Co-Director, Rare Lung Diseases Clinical Research Consortium, University of Cincinnati
- Prof Stuart Ralston, Centre for Genomic & Experimental Medicine, University of Edinburgh
- Prof. Jeffrey Krischer, Health Informatics Institute, University of South Florida
The management committee will review applications for network support, assign a priority score and work with the network manager to assign appropriate support. The committee will also review reports from each RDCTN supported trial 6 monthly. The management committee consists of:
- Prof Rachel Crowley RDCTN Co-Lead, Consultant Endocrinologist, St Vincent’s University Hospital
- Prof Cormac MCCarthy RDCTN Co-Lead, Respiratory Consultant, St Vincent’s University Hospital
Mr Liam Galvin, board member of EU-IPFF and EPAG member
- Prof Sean Ennis, Director UCD Academic Centre for Rare Diseases
- Prof Peter Doran, Director of Ireland East Hospital Group Research Network
- Prof Sean Gaine, Consultant Respiratory Physician at Mater Misericordiae University Hospital
- Dr Avril Kennan, CEO, Health Research Charities Ireland
- Ms Mary Desmond Vasseghi, School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin & FutureNeuro RCSI