Useful Resources
If you are interested in learning more about PPI there are lots of useful resources available online, some of which we have listed here:
PPI Ignite Network
The PPI Ignite Network promotes excellence and inspires innovation in public and patient involvement (PPI) in health and social care research in Ireland
Health Research Charities
The Health Research Charities Ireland is the national umbrella organisation of charities active in health, medical and social care research, together representing over 1 million people in Ireland. They have published a number of guides, toolkits and reports on PPI over the past 5 years
The Irish Platform for Patient Organisations Science & Industry (IPPOSI) is a patient-led organisation that works with patients, government, industry, science and academia to put patients at the heart of health policy and innovation
The European Patients’ Academy on Therapeutic Innovation (EUPATI) provides education and training to increase the capacity and capability of patients and patient representatives to understand and meaningfully contribute to medicines research and development (R&D), and to improve the availability of medical information for patients and other stakeholders.
Rare Disease Information
For information specifically relating to Rare Diseases please visit:
Rare Diseases Ireland
Rare Diseases Ireland (RDI), a patient advocacy national alliance for voluntary groups representing people affected by or at risk of developing a rare disease. RDI is committed to the identification, treatment, and cure of rare disease through programs of education, advocacy and patient engagement
Rare Ireland
Rare Ireland, an organisation that specifically supports families living with rare conditions
Eurordis Rare Diseases Europe, a unique, non-profit alliance of over 1000 rare disease patient organisations from 74 countries
Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases
is an open access (i.e. free), peer-reviewed journal that includes all aspects of rare diseases and rare disease medicines (orphan drugs).

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To express an interest in getting involved or learn more about our PPI work please contact rdctn@ucd.ie.
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