What do PPI contributors do?
PPI contributors usually collaborate with research teams to share their lived experience of a particular condition or health topic with a view to improving research in this area.
They may join a research team for a specific project/trial. They may be recruited for a longer-term PPI initiative e.g. joining a review board or steering committee that oversees or funds several research studies. They may be recruited for a very short and clearly defined piece of work e.g. co-creation of patient materials.
There is no one size fits all approach to this. Discuss with the research team how you want to contribute in a way that will suit your needs.
Making your decision
Before you decide to get involved in any PPI activity, take some time to consider and talk through the following with the research team:
- What type of commitment are the research team asking for?
- What specifically am I being asked to do?
- How long is it expected to take?
- Will I be paid for my time?
- Is this a good fit with my other commitments e.g. job, childcare, medical appointments etc?
Perhaps discuss with family and/or friends if you are still unsure if this is the right activity for you, as PPI may take you on a rewarding but sometimes challenging journey.

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