The Rare Disease Research Catalyst Consortium (RDCat) is a group of Irish-based healthcare professionals, researchers, advocacy groups and people living with rare diseases. The multidisciplinary team works side by side in collaboration with national and international partners to boost research activities in rare diseases.
Increase the influence of rare disease patients in research and policy
Increase Irish engagement with national and international networks including the Rare Disease Clinical Trial Network (RDCTN) and European Reference Networks (ERNs)
Build rare disease research activity and excellence in Ireland, enabling engagement with upcoming European partnership programmes on rare disease
Open and extend communications within Ireland and with international stakeholders to further these aims.

The activities of RDCat will support the implementation of EU level health strategies in Ireland.
Participating Organisations and Project Collaborators

The project is funded by Health Research Board (HRB) and hosted by UCD School of Medicine.
The RDCat programme and its work packages will be delivered by a multidisciplinary consortium in
collaboration with RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences, Trinity College Dublin (TCD),
the 5 Irish ERN Lead hospitals and Rare Disease Ireland (RDI).
Network Partners